A super role for an experienced Houseman driver with excellent references with a good security background - must have clean licence
The role is primarily caretaking the property and being responsible for driving, dog care and general tasks in and around the properties.
The Principal is away frequently and therefore it is important the post-holder is reliable and trustworthy.
A car will be provided for work use. Must have a clean driving licence.
Flexibility in terms of working hours throughout the year will be required with this post. The hours will average 40 - 45 per week, over 5 days, with two consecutive days off. However, when the Principal is in
residence (approximately 6 months in total throughout the year) the post-holder will be required to work longer hours and flexibly. When the Principal is away (approximately 6 months on and off in total throughout the year),the working hours will be significantly less and any time taken back .
Caretaking the house being a daily security presence and also walking the dog. Driving to a variety of locations .