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Manuel and Teresa Da Silva work as a trouble shooting management couple in the USA . They are proud to offer their quality holiday apartments in Beaulieu Sur Mer and in San Diego through Clare [...]
Manuel and Teresa Da Silva work as a trouble shooting management couple in the USA . They are proud to offer their quality holiday apartments in Beaulieu Sur Mer and in San Diego through Clare [...]
I am so proud of Holly and David. This wonderful couple and adventurous pair are leaving their position in private service with a lovely family in Scotland to cycle from the UK to Australia. You [...]
Creating connections and conversation between very local businesses. Regular meetings, ad-hoc events, meeting face-to-face and on-line. www.sawston.biz
Camper and Nicholson Global The ultimate broker for buying and selling super-yachts. www.camperandnicholsons.com Email
If you employ staff in the UK you have the same legal responsibilities as a commercial employer and you must operate a PAYE scheme and pay tax and National Insurance on their behalf. Stafftax has [...]